Friday, February 22, 2013

Technology Initiatives in Libraries

The magazine of American Library Association recently tweeted about new ideas to incorporate technology into libraries. The roundup writes about libraries using technologies in innovative ways to reach people. 

I am unfamiliar with some of these technologies. The author definitely assumes a familiarity with various forms of social media and internet vernacular. After I read this article I am more informed. He goes into brief detail and also provides a link to an additional resource for each initiative. 
The technology initiatives include: 
  1. Host a cloud-based collection
  2. Create a basic mobile website
  3. Start a location-based photostream with Instagram
  4. Integrate LibGuides into Drupal
  5. Balance the library voice with personal in social media
  6. Use crowdsourcing to create a collection
  7. Make a quick screencast
  8. Create personas before you design your website
  9. Use Google voice to implement text reference
  10. Visualize your twitter relationships with Mentionmapp
Do you think any of these ideas are interesting? Is your library using any of them?

Kroski, E.  (2013).  10 great technology initiatives for your library.  American Libraries. Retrieved from

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Comprehensive Database for Legislation

I get so frustrated finding information about my legislators. I'm overwhelmed with the contradictory information available. Have you "Googled" your local representative? It's always been a waste of time for me. I was intrigued to come across this new database. Open State allows users to search for their local representatives and learn more about recent bills, committee memberships, recent votes, etc. You can even create an account to follow your local legislator. 

Is this a step in the right direction for transparency in government?

SunlightFoundation.  (n.d.).  Open State.  Retrieved from
Sunlight Foundation.  (n.d.)  Introducing Open States. Retrieved from